For one day each year, Windermere offices close up shop for the company’s Community Service Day. This longstanding tradition supports Windermere’s mission of giving back to our communities whenever possible. In the past, we’ve fundraised for local nonprofits, organized food drives, beautified downtown districts and cut back ivy from city parks.
This year was no different. On June 11 our offices took to the streets, giving back in whatever ways we could. As our communities and neighbors work to recover from the pandemic, the timing was especially poignant.
Here are just some of the ways local Windermere offices helped on Community Service Day:
Fighting Homelessness
A major focus of Windermere is homelessness prevention. Through the Windermere Foundation, our offices, agents and staff have raised and donated millions of dollars to ensure the basic right of shelter in the communities we serve. This Community Service Day, several local offices worked hard on behalf of those experiencing poverty and housing insecurity.

Putting their handy skills to work, the Mount Baker office assisted in the building of tiny homes for people experiencing homelessness.

Working to support mothers with substance abuse issues and their children, the Northgate office organized a food and hygiene drive for the King County Parent Child Assistance Program.
Being able to rally a community and drum up support for those most in need is a crucial step in making sure everyone has what they need to thrive. Fighting hunger in our communities is something every Windermere office takes seriously. Several of our offices put their Community Service Day efforts into organizing and participating in food drives.

The Eastlake office worked to keep their community fed, by packing 10,000 meals and raising $5,000 for the Hunger Intervention Program.

The Midtown offices helped to put food on the table, with a food drive that benefitted the Rainier Valley Food Bank, the Queen Anne Food Bank, FareStart, Family Works and North Helpline.
Nonprofit Services
Sometimes, it’s not manpower that’s needed, but fundraising for nonprofits and families in need of financial support. From fighting hunger to supporting at-risk families and local students, donation and fundraising efforts can make a huge impact on those most in need.

The Yarrow Bay and Bellevue offices partnered together to raise funds and supplies for Jubilee Reach, a nonprofit that supports local students and their families.
Neighborhood Beautification
Some of our offices took the opportunity to get outside and get their hands dirty. This included cleaning up local baseball fields, landscaping at an elementary school, doing trash cleanups across town and even painting a giant mural on a well-known wall in Greenwood.

The Greenwood office kept the neighborhood looking great with a mural project to beautify an ally and prevent graffiti.

On 35th Street, the Wedgwood office cleaned up the area and collected over 50 bags of compost.

The West Seattle office kept Alaska Junction looking great by cleaning up the area, weeding, sweeping and more.
Beach + Park Cleanups
By donating their labor, our offices were able to beautify local parks and beaches across the region. This kind of work is different from what we do in our day-to-day routines, but a helping hand can go a long way toward completing a vital project or keeping an area clean and safe to use for the public.

The Ballard office cleaned up four baseball fields in Magnolia and Ballard, ensuring they were ready to go when it’s time to play ball.

Getting ready for summer, the Bellevue South office cleaned up Camp Terry, a local YMCA camp, to get it ready for campers.

Summer means it’s time to hit the beach, so the Capitol Hill office spent their time cleaning up four beaches around Seattle.

At the Washington Arboretum, the Madison Park crew kept things green by spreading mulch in the Pacific Connections Meadow.
Community Service Day is a Windermere tradition we’re proud to continue. Every year, our work supports families, nonprofits and communities in need. By getting our whole network of offices involved across Seattle and the Eastside, our goal is always to make a positive impact and a big difference.