In the months since the pandemic hit, one persistent problem has plagued us all: boredom. Orders to stay inside for the health of our communities, combined with a plethora of canceled events have led to a general restlessness and total indifference to what’s on Netflix. Luckily, there’s finally something to break up the monotony.
Under the governor’s revised reopening plan, Seattle’s numerous museums have been permitted to reopen during phase two, albeit with some modifications. Among these adjustments are the requirement that every guest wear a mask, museums can only operate at 25 percent capacity, all interactive exhibits must be changed to touchless formats, guests must purchase timed tickets for entry ahead of time and the museum must create a one-way flow of traffic through the exhibits.
While this may sound like a lot to take in, many of these sensible policies have been in place at other businesses for some time — and if it means we can all get out of the house for a bit then it’s probably worth it. Below, you’ll find a selection of museums that we can’t wait to visit:

Like many others, the Museum of Pop Culture has been shuttered since March. Under the revised reopening plan, guests can once again experience Seattle’s vibrant music history in person. In addition to MoPop’s famous musical exhibits, guests can also explore Body of Work: Tattoo Culture (which debuted only shortly before the pandemic), along with Fantasy: Worlds of Myth and Magic and the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame, among other exhibits. Since MoPop is a highly interactive museum, guests should be prepared for some modifications and potential closures to existing attractions. MoPop reopens to the public on weekends starting Friday, September 18.
Burke Museum

Only recently renovated before the pandemic, the new and improved Burke Museum is once again open to the public. Featuring intriguing natural history exhibits, including Fossils Uncovered along with immersive cultural exhibits like Culture is Living and Northwest Native Art, the Burke is an entertaining and educational way to spend an afternoon. The Burke Museum reopens to members on September 19 and 20, and to the general public starting Tuesday, September 22.
Seattle Art Museum

Looking for a classic art gallery experience? The Seattle Art Museum (SAM) is among those that will be reopening this month. Guests can enjoy dozens of exhibits currently on display, including Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas: Carpe Fin, On the Edge, Aaron Fowler: Into Existence and many more. An unexpected upside to the modified reopening: museum staff have expressed that visiting during this time may be a more pleasant and less crowded experience due to the reduced capacity. The SAM was reopened to the public on weekends starting Friday, September 11.